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Additional Services 

In addition to the programs and services we offer, BOTCP will host community recreational activities and career readiness programs. These additional services are listed below. 
Please be advised that all of our additional services along with sign up and fees will be announced according. 

***Please subscribe to our newsletter for updates of all BOTCP workshops and events.***

Reading & Math Tutoring Programs

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Tutoring provides a safe, nonjudgmental environment that slows learning down to allow in depth explanations of each step required to master course material. It helps to build learning confidence and teaches how to use learning styles to establish strategies that will improve course material comprehension and analysis.


BOTCP’s reading/math tutoring program caters to teens who struggle to keep up in their academic courses. Our tutoring program consist of diagnostic assessments to pinpoint learning gaps that will create tailored learning guides for each enrolled teen.


Please subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of our upcoming tutoring schedule.

Afterschool programs are outlets that support social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development, reduce risky behaviors, promote physical health, and provide a safe and supportive environment for youth.


Our Weekend & After School Programs are designed as artistic and vocational outlets to bring our hoods together for the enjoyment of good fun and good food, while learning and exploring new ideas, building self-confidence, and promoting career readiness.


For updates and notifications of our Art and VoTeck pods schedules, please subscribe to our newsletter.

Weekend & After School Programs

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Learning Abroad Programs

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Studying abroad is one of the best ways to acquire global skills and access personal and professional opportunities. It is a life-changing experience that allows for hands on interactions with different ways of life that will develop an understanding and appreciation for other cultures.


Our Learning abroad program will thwart our teens interest, skillsets, and knowledge a bit further, prepare them for their career’s most daunting challenges, and allow them to better be able to compete in the workforce by providing them with opportunities to build personal and professional connections of a lifetime.


For updates and notifications of our Learning Abroad program, please subscribe to our newsletter.

Boxing is deemed one of the toughest workouts in the world which is why we have chosen this workout system to teach our teens valuable lessons that will help them to realize the value of hard work and consistency, to understand their physical capabilities, and how to surpass self-limitations through perseverance.


Our Boxing Rink and Gym Program has been shown to improve hand-eye coordination, boost confidence levels, and relief stress.


For updates and notices of our Boxing Rink & Gym Program Please subscribe to our Newsletter.

Boxing Rink & Gym

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Sports Department

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Sports Department Coming Soon!!!!

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